Karela Jamun Powder

Karela Jamun powder is a popular Ayurvedic supplement made from the dried and powdered fruits of bitter melon (karela) and Indian blackberry (jamun). It is known for its potential health benefits, particularly in managing blood sugar levels. This herbal combination is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, offering support for overall health and well-being. Karela is revered for its anti-diabetic properties, helping to regulate blood glucose levels and improve insulin sensitivity. Jamun, on the other hand, is valued for its role in promoting digestive health, boosting immunity, and supporting healthy skin. When consumed regularly as a dietary supplement, Karela Jamun powder may contribute to better blood sugar control, enhanced digestion, and improved overall health. However, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplement to your routine, especially if you have existing health conditions or are taking medications.

Herbs to manage sugar levels


Karela Helps control blood sugar levels


Turns sugar into energy


Lowers blood sugar levels


Regulates absorption of carbs & sugar

7 Ayurvedic herbs

Karela, Jamun, Neem, Kutki, Shilajit, Tulsi, Ginger

Tulsi, Ginger

Sugur control

Naturally manages blood sugar levels in diabetics without side effects

  • Combats fatigue, boosts energy levels,
  • Combats numbness in the feet
  • Prevents blurry vision
  • Reduces frequent urination
  • Promotes healthy liver, kidney function

Anyone above 14 years who is:

  • Diagnosed with Type 1 or 2 diabetes
  • Pre-diabetic
  • Note: Not suitable for gestational diabetes in pregnant women
  • 100% Ayurvedic formula
  • Clinically researched herbs
  • FDA approved. GMP certified
  • Tested for safety, purity, potency
  • Toxin-free. Zero Side-effects
  • Vegan, soy-free, with no trans fat, non-GMO, no artificial sweetener, no added sugar, preservatives, no flavouring agents, no ascorbic acid, no caffeine, no colouring agents, gluten free

Take it every day along with your current Diabetes medicines

  • 2 tablets before breakfast
  • 2 tablets before dinner
  • After 6 months, your doctor may recommend reducing your current medication dosage. We suggest taking Karela Jamun tablets as a natural diabetes supplement to manage blood sugar levels throughout your life.
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